Sometimes it's helpful in an analysis to recode variables, like recoding a binary variable for retention to a binary variable for attrition.
- Jean Constable, Director of Institutional Research at Texas Lutheran University
Problem: a new input file every two weeks needs to be processed by the same job time after time.
Solution: Use a generic file name for the file in the input node. Copy the weekly input file to the generic file name and run the job. This works as long as the input files have an identical format.
- William Anderson, CIO at Saint Michael's College
If you throw a filter between your input and the merge even if not populated when you change the input file, you do not lose the merge connections or fields!
-Loralyn Taylor, Registrar Director of Institutional Research at Paul Smith's College
If you throw a filter between your input and the merge even if not populated when you change the input file, you do not lose the merge connections or fields!
-Loralyn Taylor, Registrar Director of Institutional Research at Paul Smith's College